▫️Excel to CSV


This endpoint accepts a POST request with a multipart form-data body containing an Excel file. It converts the Excel file to CSV format and sends it as a downloadable file in the response. If the file is not provided, it returns a 400 error with a corresponding message. If there is an error during the conversion process, it returns a 500 error with a corresponding message.


  • Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Request Parameters

  • File: The Excel file to be uploaded for conversion. The file should be sent as form-data with the key file.


  • Success Response:

    • Status Code: 200 OK

    • Content: The converted CSV file will be downloaded as a response.

    • Content-Type: text/csv

  • Error Response:

    • Status Code: 400 Bad Request

    • Content: { "error": "No file uploaded" } - Indicates that no file was uploaded.

    • Status Code: 500 Internal Server Error

    • Content: { "error": "Failed to convert to CSV" } - Indicates an error occurred during the conversion process.

Example Usage


POST /excel-csv
Content-Type: multipart/form-data

Request Body

file: <Excel file>


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="converted_<timestamp>.csv"
Content-Type: text/csv

The CSV file content will be included in the response body.


  • The uploaded Excel file will be deleted from the server after conversion.

  • The converted CSV file will be deleted from the server after download.

  • Ensure that the Excel file is in the correct format (.xlsx) for successful conversion.

Last updated