

This endpoint accepts a GET request with a query parameter address. It retrieves geolocation data for the provided address and returns the address along with its corresponding latitude and longitude. If the address parameter is missing, it returns a 400 error with a corresponding message. If no geolocation data is found for the provided address, it returns a 404 error with a corresponding message. If there is an error during the retrieval process, it returns a 500 error with a corresponding message.

Query Parameters




The address for which geolocation data is requested.


  • 200 OK: Geolocation data successfully retrieved.

      "address": "1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA, USA",
      "latitude": 37.423021,
      "longitude": -122.083739
  • 400 Bad Request: Missing or invalid query parameters.

      "error": "Address parameter is missing"
  • 404 Not Found: Geolocation data not found for the provided address.

      "error": "Geolocation data not found for the provided address"
  • 500 Internal Server Error: An unexpected error occurred while processing the request.

      "error": "Internal server error"


GET /geolocation?address=1600%20Amphitheatre%20Parkway,%20Mountain%20View,%20CA

Last updated