▫️Image over Image

This endpoint allows you to overlay one image on top of another image. You can specify the background image, overlay image, alignment, and size of the overlay.


Query Parameters

  • background: URL of the background image.

  • overlay: URL of the overlay image.

  • alignment: Alignment of the overlay image. Possible values: topleft, topcenter, topright, middleleft, center, middleright, bottomleft, bottomcenter, bottomright. Default is center.

  • size: Size of the overlay image as a percentage of the background image width. Default is 100.


GET /image-over-image?background=https://example.com/background.jpg&overlay=https://example.com/overlay.png&alignment=topright&size=50


  "imageUrl": "https://i.imgur.com/abc123.jpg"


  • 500 Internal Server Error: Failed to generate or upload image.

Last updated